We apply unique method for the treatment of nerve paralysis which was created by combining medical acupuncture with a more than 50 year long tradition in the Czech Republic, and knowledge of physical medicine, which used in rehabilitation medicine.
We give people a second chance
We apply unique method for the treatment of nerve paralysis which was created by combining medical acupuncture with a more than 50 year long tradition in the Czech Republic, and knowledge of physical medicine, which used in rehabilitation medicine.
The method Active® consists of activating acupuncture pathways using needles applied to acupuncture points. Electrical pulses are then introduced into these needles to stimulate points in the paralyzed parts of the body.
Our professional team
Disponujeme nejmodernějším vybavením a metodami, které jsou osvědčené a prošly několikaletou tradicí nejen v České republice, ale také ve světě. Získejte i vy druhou šanci a nechejte zkušené lékaře, aby zlepšili váš zdravotní stav. Pokud máte zájem o léčbu pomocí naší metody Ac-tive®, kontaktujte nás.
We offer professional physician courses
Zákroky jsou hrazené/nehrazené zdravotní pojišťovnou.
Zavolejte na +420 585 631 420 nebo nám napište na vtp@upol.cz